Dua To Make Husband Listen To Wife


Dua To Make Husband Listen To Wife

A relationship between a man and woman as spouses is very special and extraordinary. In Islam, a marital relationship is always kept in high regard. A marriage becomes successful when both the spouses love and respect each other. If a man does not do this, his wife can read the dua to make husband listen to wife

In a marriage, both the partners are equals who should put in equal efforts to make it successful. If either partner fails to fulfill their responsibility, the marriage is doomed. If a woman feels that her husband is not fulfilling his responsibility towards her, she should begin performing the dua to make husband listen to wife

The dua for husband to listen to his wife is the best Islamic prayer to control husband. Many married women have used this dua to bring a positive change in their husband’s behavior. It is a very powerful remedy for women who feel that their husbands do not pay attention to them.

When a man does not listen to his wife’s opinions, arguments and disputes are bound to happen. No woman is just a submissive wife these days. A wife wants her husband to listen to what she has to say in their life matters. To make a husband consider her opinions, she has to take the help of the dua to make the husband listen to his wife

Dua For Husband To Love His Wife

A marriage brings together two different people in a relationship of a lifetime. People with different natures then have to adjust for their spouse to make the marriage work. If a man fails to do this, his duty of loving his wife also does not get fulfilled. 

However, a woman who wants her husband to be comfortable around her can take help of the Islamic prayers. She can begin reading the dua for husband to love his wife. This dua will help her in making her husband affectionate towards her. The hesitation he has around her will begin to disappear very quickly.

Wazifa For Husband To Listen To Wife

An alternate to the dua to make husband obedient is the wazifa for husband to listen to wife. It is a very powerful wazifa to control husband. The wazifa to control the husband can help a woman control her husband’s bad habits. 

To perform the wazifa to husband to listen to wife and obey her, one should perform these steps: 

  • At first, a woman has to take a shower.
  • She has to take one of her husband’s clothes then.
  • Keep it in front of her prayer mat and sit down to begin this ritual.
  • She has to recite 5 names of the Almighty Allah.
  • After that, she has to recite Durood Shareef twelve times.
  • Then, she has to recite the 20th verse of Surah Muzammil 10 times.
  • After the surah Muzammil, “Laa Ilaha Illa Anta Subhan Aka Innee Kuntu Mina Zzaalimeen” 101 times.
  • At last, she has to recite Durood Shareef twelve times more.

A woman should not perform the wazifa for husband to listen to wife with a wrong intention. This dua or wazifa should be performed only to bring a change in the bad behavior of a man so that the marriage becomes happier. 

If you have any doubts about the dua or wazifa for making a husband obedient, you can talk to our Maulvi Sahab. 

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