Dua To Make Husband Love You

Dua To Make Husband Love You

Dua To Make Husband Love You

Every married woman deserves to be loved and respected by her husband. The love and respect between spouses is the foundation of their marital relationship. For a married woman, getting her husband’s love is not so easy. Such women need the dua to make husband love you to bring love and affection in their marriage. 

A married woman always wants her husband to be loving and loyal. To make this happen, she should recite the dua for husband love and care. The benefit of regularly reciting any dua for husband love back is that the marriage never faces the lack of love between partners. 

Dua to make husband love you is also a beneficial dua that women should read about to get married. By reading this powerful dua, young women can pray to Allah to bless them with a loving spouse.  

Dua To Make My Husband Love Me Again

Dua To Make My Husband Love Me Again

A marriage is a lifetime commitment that faces good and bad times. Marriage in its initial years sees a lot of lovely moments between spouses. However, this love and romance seem to diminish a few years later. Both partners get so involved with other responsibilities that they forget their responsibility towards each other. To make such a situation better, the dua to make my husband love me again is helpful. 

When a man begins to act distant towards his wife, the woman often feels betrayed. The feeling of being lonely might make her doubt her husband unnecessarily. If you face such a difficult situation in your marriage, we suggest you read the dua to make your husband love you again. 

To perform the  ayat for husband love, perform these steps:

  • Perform ablution first, and then offer nafl prayer.
  • After completing the nafl namaz, recite this chant: “Hasbuun Allahoo Wa Ni`mal Wakil” 100 times.
  • When you complete reciting this ayat for husband love, recite Darood E-Tanjeena 50 times.
  • At last, pray to Almighty Allah to bring back the lost love in your marriage.

How To Make Husband Love You In Islam?

It is the responsibility of both the husband and wife to take care of each other. But when a marriage hits a rocky phase, a woman is the first to make efforts to save the marriage. The lack of love and trust between spouses is the biggest reason behind marriages ending. This is why women contact our Islamic scholar to know how to make husband love you in Islam. 

They wish to perform any dua for husband love back to make their marriage happier once again. The perfect Islamic prayer they should perform are the duas for husband love and care. To perform this dua, they need to perform this process:

  • You have to first complete the namaz of Maghrib.
  • After the Maghrib, you have to recite the 15th verse of Surah Rahman 101 times.
  • Then, begin reciting Durood Sharif eleven times.
  • Recite this ayat for husband love:

A’otthu Billa Laahi Mm Inash-shaaytaanir-raajeem.

  • Complete this ritual with eleven more recitations of Durood Sharif.
  • Within a few days of performing these duas for husband love back, you will begin to notice positive changes.

For more information about duas for husband love back, consult our Maulvi Sahab. 

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