Islamic Dua For Love

Islamic Dua For Love

Islamic Dua For Love

A life without love seems to be dull. We all need love to survive in this mean and brutal world. The feeling of love in life makes every moment happier. This is why the Islamic dua for love is important in the Holy Quran. 

We all wish to have a special person in life. Every human’s desire is to be loved and cared for by their soulmate. To find that soulmate, people often read the Islamic dua for love. This Quranic dua for love is read when a person wishes to find their true love. 

To have a person on whom we can rely for everything is a blessing. The feeling of being together forever with faith, love, and compatibility is not so easy anymore. True love seems like a myth because people have forgotten the value of true love. By reading the dua to get your love in life, anyone can fulfill their wish to find their true love.

Dua For The One You Love

Powerful Dua For Lost Love

People who wish to find love, read the dua for love. People who have already found their true lover have to read the dua for the one you love. Keeping a love relationship healthy and happy is more complicated than finding love in life. 

If you are in love, you would do anything to keep your lover and relationship happy. For this, you need to read the dua for the one you love regularly. This dua is an extraordinary prayer for lovers. To keep your relationship always blessed, our Islamic scholar suggests reading this dua to get your love. 

Now we are going to tell you how to perform the Islamic dua for the one you love:

  • Take a shower and think of a happy life with the person you love.
  • Begin to recite Durood Shareef ten times after sitting on your prayer mat.
  • Then, you have to recite Surah Al-Hujurat two times.
  • Recite this dua: “Ya Wadodu Ya Rahmu Ya Rahiimu” 101 times.
  • At last, pray to Almighty Allah to always bless you and your lover. Pray to him to keep your relationship happy and healthy.

You can also perform this ritual as the dua for love marriage so that you can marry the love of your life. 

Powerful Dua For Lost Love

The most painful feeling in life is losing the love that brought peace and happiness in your life. We understand the pain one goes through after being separated from a deeply loved person. To bring back that lost love in your life, you should know how to read the powerful dua for lost love

The powerful dua to get your love back is the best dua to make someone love you back once again. To perform the dua for getting lost love back immediately, you have to follow the steps mentioned below: 

  • Perform ablution first.
  • Then, begin chanting “Allahu Akbar” 51 times.
  • Now, think of the happy memories you created with the person you love.

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