Dua For Getting Married To Someone You Love

Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love

Dua For Getting Married

A successful marriage depends on the love between two people. If two people love one another, then their marital life will be very happy and successful. This is the reason why a lot of people prefer marrying someone they love. If you also love someone and you know that the person will prove to be the best life partner for you, recite the dua to marry someone you love. You will get married to the person you want  because of the dua for getting married to someone you love. Insha Allah, your married life will be nothing less than heaven on earth.

  1. Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Before going to bed recite Surah Fatiha 99 times and Surah Al-Kafiroon 73 times.
  3. Then go to sleep and lie keeping your face towards Qiblah.
  4. Do it till you get married to that person.

Dua For Getting Married To Someone You Love

Dua For Getting Married To Someone You Love

If you love someone secretly and that person has no knowledge about it, but you want to marry that person and make him/ her your spouse, then practice the dua for getting married to someone you love. Situations will become favorable for you and Allah Miya will set your fate in such a way that you will be married to the person you love. You will yourself see how things start shaping and your marriage will be fixed with the girl or boy you have always desired.

Allah Talah helps those who are true at heart. If you desire someone with the intention of marriage, then Allah Miya will mend such ways. Your right intentions and dua to get married to someone you love will open new doorways for you and Insha Allah, very soon you will get married to him/ her and your marriage will be very successful and prosperous.

Dua to Get Married to the Person You Want

If you love someone and that person loves you too, but your families are not ready for the marriage, then you should recite the dua to marry someone you love. The dua is very effective and will give you positive results very soon. Both the families will agree to the marriage and participate actively in the events and your marriage will be a very happy event.  Come to us and we shall provide you with the accurate dua to get married to the person you want. Our molvi Saab will speak to you in this matter and give you the best suggestion and advice and make it work.

Dua To Marry Someone You Love

Best dua for getting married soon is given below as :-

  1. Make fresh ablution.
  2. Read Durood Shareef 3 times.
  3. Read “Ya Wadoodoo” 100 times at night.
  4. Then read “Ya Raufoo” 101 times.
  5. Read Durood Shareef three times.
  6. Now Pray to Allah Talah to help you marry the person you love.
  7. Insha Allah, you will get success.

Every dua is unique and is meant for a unique purpose. It is very important to perform the right dua for marrying someone you love. So, it is necessary that you speak to our Molvi Saab before performing the dua.

Also Read:

Dua To Marry Someone You Love

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