Dua for Broken Heart

dua for heartbreak

Powerful Dua for Broken Heart

Assalam Alaikum my Islamic brothers and sisters. If you want to heal from the pain in your heart because of a heart break, read this article that explains the dua for heartbreak. We will also explain the dua to heal a broken heart and overcoming depression. 

Every person has suffered from a heart break at some point in their life. It is a devastating experience and makes you lose all hopes. There may be several reasons for heartbreak ranging from rejection from a lover, failure in love life, failure in marriage or job or business. Regardless of what the reason for your heart break is, dua for broken heart will mend your heart and you regain your lost confidence and hope to start fresh.

We will give you the best dua for broken heart so that you can find relieve from your problems and get peace and comfort. Nothing will give you relief, other than coming to Allah. Indeed, people find comfort and calmness in the dhikr of Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala.

Related Post: Dua For Love And Attraction

Surah Dua for Heartbreak

Dua for broken heart step by step:

  • Sit in a lonely room after making ablution and wearing clean clothes.
  • Recite this dua 101 times “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Bi Rahmatika Astageez”,
  • Recite Surah Rehman once every week.
  • Make dua to Allah Talah to heal your heart and bless it with calmness and peace.
  • Insha Allah, in no time you will find relief.

No matter you are seeking relief from emotional pain, physical pain or metal pain, the dua for heartbreak will help you combat all the situations. If something has shattered you from the inside and you cannot find relief in anything, then this miraculous dua will heal you and bring you out from the worst of the situations. The dua for broken heart will give you quick relief in the pain in your heart. Be it your lover, spouse or anyone around who is close to you, they will never hurt you and even if they do, Allah Miyan will revive your heart.

Dua to Heal a Broken Heart

Surah for broken heart is given below as a step by step procedure

For the success of this procedure, you should perform all the obligatory prayers of the day.

  • Perform ablution and sit in a clean place to begin this dua.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 5 times.
  • Recite Surah Al-Kahf
  • Recite Durood Shareef 5 times.
  • Make dua to Allah talah to bring you stability and to sooth your heart.

Insha Allah, in just 11 days, you will find liberation from all the past pain of heartbreak. However, if you don’t see your heart healing, then you may have made a mistake. It is suggested that you get in touch with our molvi sahib to get the best help for your matter. 

Dua to Get Over Heartbreak

If your feelings have been hurt by someone you relied upon and now you don’t seem to trust anyone or wish to love again, then dua for a broken heart will mend your shattered pieces. The dua will bring you happiness and hope. It will help you revive your lost pathways and broken heart. Insha Allah, with the grace of Allah Miyan soon you will find a positive way of life. You can also perform ache rishte aane ki dua (hyperlink) to get the best proposals for you and soon you can get married.

Life never stops for anyone is something we must always remember. Another thing to remember is that Allah Talah never burdens a soul more than it can bear. So, believe in the Almighty and perform the prayer with lots of hope, belief, dedication and pure intent and Insha Allah, you will have a strong heart to face everything that comes your way in the world.

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