Dua For Evil Eye Protection

Dua For Evil Eye

Dua For Evil Eye

Dua For Evil Eye Protection

Anyone can become the victim of the evil eye if one admires them with the wrong intention, or being jealous. The newly married couple who look good together and have great compatibility, or beautiful newborn child, or your new job, you can come under its influence due to any reason. As this can have an adverse effect on your life you must know the ways to combat it, with the help of the dua for the evil eye. It will help you to protect yourself from such problems and the negative effects of evil eyes.

The person who is affected by it can face major health issues and problems in their everyday life. If you feel that you have become the victim of someone’s wrong intentions or their bad energy then with the help of the protection dua in Islam, you can protect yourself against these issues. You must know the ways to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the evil eye so that you can resume your life normally.

Related Post: Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

Dua For The Evil Eye

Dua For Evil Eye Protection From Quran

If your relationship is affected by someone’s evil eyes then you might experience frequent fights, arguments, and conflicts in the relationship. If there is a sudden onset of the fights, arguments suddenly and you are feeling distanced from your partner then this can be the sign that something is wrong. If you wish to eliminate its negative effects and want to live happily with your partner, read the dua for the evil eye. It will help you maintain harmony in your relationship by removing the negative.

Even your child can be affected by its negative effects as they are innocent and their energy is pure. If your child is happy and joyful then there will be people who will adore your child. But not everyone will appreciate and be happy for your child, sometimes there will be people who will not appreciate your child in the right way and they might get affected by it. If your child has recently stopped eating, cries a lot, is irritated all the time, then you should consider taking the help of the protection dua of the evil eye.

Dua To Protect From Evil Eye

Read the Islamic dua for evil eye protection in the procedure given below:

  • Make fresh ablution.
  • Recite Durood Thrice.
  • After this recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas five times each.
  • Pray to Allah for protecting you against the evil eye and its negative effects.

You can also take the help of the dua to protect yourself from the evil eye if you feel that your job, business is affected by the evil eye. If you have started a new business or a job and are achieving success then you might be affected by the negative energy of the people who are envious of you. There are people who will get jealous of your success and might want to bring you down. If you feel threatened in your business and your success seems unattainable then our molvi Ji can help you with his remedies and solutions.

Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

The evil eye is very much real as you and me in this world. And, it may affect you in the worst possible way. hence, it is very important to keep you and your loved ones secure from it. And, the only way in which you can prevent any satanic act is by involving Allah SubhanaWa’ Tala and his words in your life. Thus, you should recite dua for protection from the evil eye. The dua will protect you from all effects of the evil eye and never let it harm you in any way.

Dua To Protect From Evil Eye

If you think that your work or personal life or profits have been affected because of an evil eye, then you can recite dua to protect from the evil eye. The dua will bring back your barakah and profits and Insha Allah, your work will prosper like before. If you think that your relationship will your partner has been affected by evil eyes because of someone’s jealousy, then also the dua to protect from the evil eye will work for you. It will mend your relationship and bring it to a normal situation. It will wipe out all the negativity and satanic impact of your relationship.

It may be tough to get rid of the evil eye, but it is not impossible. Insha Allah, when you will recite the dua for protection from the evil eye, it will definitely heal your problems. Never give up on the blessings and mercy of Allah Talah, The solution of the evil eye has been given to you in the verses of the Quran. All you need to do is practice it with firm faith to get immediate relief. In case you need any help in this regard, you can contact our molvi sb. freely. He will help you out with the best possible solution.

Ruqyah For Evil Eye

Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

It is seen that kids are more prone to evil eyes. They get badly affected by it. Often kids are seen crying or having a high fever or being in discomfort for no reason. If you feel that your child was normal and just after going out or meeting someone this has started, then possibly he/ she has fallen victim to the evil eye. You should perform ruqyah for evil eye to get rid of it. If you don’t know the procedure to perform ruqyah for evil eye, you can enquire about it from our molvi sb. Practice it and Insha Allah, you will get immediate relief.

Ruqyah for the evil eye is given below as: 

Bismillahi Arkika Min Kulli Shaiyin Yu’zika Min Sharri Kulli Nafsin Au Aini Hasidil Laaho Yashfika Bismillahi Arkika

The dua will protect you from the evil of every soul and envious eye and Allah Talah will protect you. Recite this dua on the affected person or thing at least 11 times daily. Make sure you blow on that person. Wait for at least three days to see its effect. The evil eye doesn’t go so quickly. Hence you need to be patient. However, if you don’t see any change in 3 days, then contact us.

You can contact us via the given numbers and consult our expert Molvi Saab. We value your confidentiality.

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